Concerns over the safety of prostitutes in Hong Kong rise after the naked body of a mainland Chinese prostitute was found dead on the 24th of October in a subdivided flat in Yau Ma Tei, in the South of the Kowloon peninsula, Hong Kong. Her body had suffered multiple wounds to her neck.
The purpose of the murder seemed to have been money. Thousands of dollars were stolen from her flat. The police suspect she had been killed while trying to prevent the theft.
The police were called by a neighbour who had found the door of the flat half-open and the dead body of the victim lying on a mattress soaked in blood. It seems that the victim used to take her clients to a nearby sex hotel. However, she occasionally took clients home.
This is not the first murder of a prostitute in Hong Kong. On February 5 2009 a 24-year-old man was arrested for causing the death of a Thai prostitute. In 2008, as many as 36 prostitutes were murdered.
Prostitution in Hong Kong is legal, but not organised prostitution. Keeping a brothel, causing or procuring another to be a prostitute, living on the prostitution of others, or public solicitation are all illegal. Women often offer their service in so-called "massage parlours". More often they work in "one-woman brothels".
The de facto semi-legal status of Hong Kong prostitutes is a cause for higher personal risks in dealing with customers and criminal activities.
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